Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Surgery Time

I just called the surgery scheduler to get the time for surgery tomorrow.

Rachel's surgery is scheduled for 11:45am. We'll need to be there at 9:45 am.
Rachel's in good spirits today. Talking excessively, not sure if it's more than usual and it's just underlying nerves making her talk so much or if it's me just being overly sensitive to how much she's chattering. LOL.

We got groceries this morning and she was very helpful in picking out a few things she'd like to have once we're home and the recovery process has started.

And she has a friend coming over this evening to visit and bring her a little something and she's excited about that as well.

1 comment:

Kari Marchelli said...

Good luck tomorrow! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward in hearing how it goes.