Monday, November 15, 2010

Pre-Op Appointments

Rachel had two pre-op appointments today.

The first one was 8:00 with Dr. Martin's resident. She went over the procedure, over all the risks and benefits, had me sign the consents, and answered my long list of questions. She also took a listen to Rachel's lungs and heart along with the other basic vitals and snapped a before picture of Rachel for her chart. The resident was extremely friendly, reassuring, and showed compassion when after I welled up in tears she reached her hand out to mine and even had tears of her own welled up. She was a mother of young children and could identity with being a mother and that personal touch made MY morning. While she's not sure if she'll be the resident assigned to the surgery on Wednesday morning, she assured me we would see her the morning after surgery.

We saw Dr. Martin in the hall and he said he'd see us Wednesday. I made it a point to tell Rachel that he was Dr. Martin and he'd be the one fixing her nose and inside her mouth.

Next appointment was the "Pre-Anestheisia Consultation and Education" appointment where we basically did all the pre-admission stuff. My Mom went with us to these appointments this morning and I'm so thankful she did, she kept Rachel busy while I filled out numerous amounts of paperwork, and was the second set of ears to hear anything and everything everybody had to say. Thanks Mom!! :) After meeting with the 'financial planner', Rachel was taken back to an exam room where she was once again weighed (53lbs), measured (46.2 inches), as well as her blood pressure and pulse ox was taken.We then met with the nurse practitioner for the anesthesiologist department where we went over medical history, concerns about anesthesia, etc. It was at this time that she informed me Rachel needed a finger stick to check her iron level. I told Rachel what they were going to do, she looked away, and never even batted an eye. She said it hurt only after she'd received her super cool bandaid. So Rachel is all set to go. I'll need to call the hospital tomorrow afternoon to get a surgery time. But other than that, she's ready to go!

1 comment:

Joy Howse said...

Tears well up as I read, remembering being in that same place. Glad your mom could be with you. I always like to have a second set of ears with me because I never seem to take it all in. You know my heart is for Rachel and you and that you both will be in my prayers through out the entire day and the days following. I know that our great physician upstairs will have His protective hand on her the entire time. Such a peace knowing she is in the best earthly and Godly hands. :)