Monday, July 23, 2007

Attention Cleft Affected Families

For the last several months, I have been tracking some pretty interesting information through my Sitemeter. If you have a blog and don't have one of these, I encourage you to put one on your blog. It's been really neat to see the location in which people are logging on to your blog from, how long they stay and what pages they view on your blog, and how they came to your blog. Which brings me to the reason for this post.

Through my site meter, I have noticed a few people spending a lot of time on Rachel's site checking out all of her cleft repair posts, etc. And how they got here was either through another cleft related blog, Emily's story on Cleft Stories, or simply by searching a browser.

If you have come across this blog and you are in some way connected to a child who has a cleft of some sort. I would really love to hear from you.

Rachel - At Birth

Rachel - Just a month shy of turning 3!
One of my main reasons for starting this blog, aside from keeping family and friends up to date, was for it to be a source of information to families who may just be starting out on a journey of their own, such as Rachel's.

Please sign my guest book, and perhaps even leave your email address. I would love to be able to email you and offer encouragement.

And if by chance you follow Rachel's Journey just because, and are not affected by a cleft in some way, I'd love to have you sign my guest book too!!


Kim said...

Cute, cute picture on the bottom there. What a smile!

Jackie said...

I thought you may have posted a link to Emily's blog! I noticed six new people came in from Rachel's blog over the last couple of days. It's been so long since we've spoken! How is Rachel. She looks just beautiful. Write soon and tell me how you are :)
