Saturday, November 12, 2005

Finding Encouragement in the Cleft World

Last October, while visiting a Cleft Lip and Palate message board, I read a post with a link to website. It was a blog journalizing the story of her daughter, Emily who had been born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Seeing her blog was what inspired me to create Rachel's Journey.

Over the course of the last year, Emily's Story has been a huge source of encouragement to me. Not only that, but it's been a site that I continually go to for reference. Jackie, Emily's mother, has been a huge source of help, inspiration, and encouragement through her blog and through her emails. The names 'Emily' and 'Jackie' are common household words around here, especially this week, being post op.

This morning, as I was viewing Rachel's guestbook, I encountered a private entry, only viewable to the guestbook owner. I was so blessed to have this mother leave her entry. She's recently given birth to a son, where just like us, his cleft was a surprise and complete shock. She told me what an inspiration Rachel's Journey has been and that because of Rachel's Journey, they are developing a better understanding for what lies ahead of them and their son's journey.

I am thankful Rachel's Journey was able to be a source of perhaps encouragement to this mother. Emily's Story has been just that for me, and I'm so blessed to have done the same for another.


Kim said...

That's really cool the way God has used this blog!

Jackie said...


You and Rachel are an inspiration to me too. I love that you read Emily's story and I know you care about how she's doing. We are paying it forward by sharing our girls with the world.
