Monday, December 13, 2004

Almost 4 Months check up

Rachel had her "almost" 4 month check up today. She weighed 14 pounds and was over 23 inches in length. She was in the 75th percentile for her weight and 25th percentile for her length... in other words, she's short and chubby. :) She's meeting all the developmental milestones for her age and is otherwise doing great. She got 4 shots today, but tolerated them well and had no reactions.

We're still waiting for a surgery date. I haven't called and bugged the surgery scheduler anymore because Rachel has had a cold and I knew she couldn't be put under if she had a cold. So no sense in calling and bugging for a date until she is completely better.

As for the attitude with the bottles, it's getting better. It's there sometimes, but nearly not as bad as it was. Praise the Lord!

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