Monday, July 10, 2023

3 Week Post Op Appointment

Rachel was desperately hoping that today would be the day that Dr. Martin would remove the splint. She was prepared to turn on the waterworks if he said otherwise. Thankfully, no tears were needed, he was happy with her bite and he removed the splint! 

With the splint gone, now she just has rubber bands that help keep her jaws in alignment. We were taught how to apply news ones if they break and how she should be resting her jaw. 

She remains on a soft food diet, but was given the okay to use a straw! Last night was the first night in 3 weeks that she slept the entire night in her bed. Otherwise, she's been sleeping upright in a recliner that we moved into her room. She woke up a tad bit more swollen, but the good nights rest was worth it and she actually had Steven move the recliner out of her room and back into our living room. 

We return for another post op appointment in 10 days. 

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