Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Surgery Day: Finally in a Room

 Seven hours after surgery ending, she is finally in a room. 

The post op nurses were very attentive and took such great care of Rachel. Steven, Hannah, and I took turns switching out and keeping her company. 

She is experiencing some nausea and vomiting this time around with anesthesia. So she's getting meds for that. We are also very actively trying to make sure they stay ahead on her pain control. 

One of the things Rachel noticed this afternoon was how perky her nose became. Now we can't unsee just how different her nose looks. Will be interesting to see how much her face changes in the coming weeks. 

Because Rachel was stable, and a non emergent case, she was transported to a smaller hospital (same hospital organization, just a small surgical hospital down the street). She went via a medical transport so a nurse could monitor her the mile trip. I was able to accompany her. 

Upon arrival, she did experience more nausea and vomiting and was time for some pain meds. She is sleeping and resting comfortably now. 

She is in a room with three beds, but scored the window bed with french doors that open out to a little patio. Tomorrow we will get her up and out in the sunshine. Dr. Martin says being upright is good for keeping the swelling down. 

Visiting hours end at 9:00pm. So we both will head home then. It will be the first time we leave her unattended following any surgery. Things are different when your kid is now 18 and considered a legal adult. But we've made sure to let the night nurses to please check on her frequently in regards to her pain. 

Thank You everyone who has been checking in on Rachel today via her blog, through Facebook, and through texts. We truly appreciate all the love and support. 

We will continue with updates tomorrow. 

** picture posted with Rachel's permission

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