Thursday, November 04, 2010

One Smart Cupcake

Today was Rachel's Parent Conference. It was a "student led conference" whereas we brought Rachel with us and she had to lead us through activities on six tables showing us skill in each of her subjects of schooling. The final table we visited was with her teacher, Mrs. Thompson, where we were given her report card and went over it along with talking about any concerns or questions we had.

Rachel earned 3 A's (advanced), 1 P (proficient), and 1 B (Basic - aka normal). Overall an excellent, excellent report card.

Her B was in reading where she's been having difficulty in her reading comprehension. Something we already knew she was struggling with. We'll keep working on it and hopefully we can raise that grade come next report card time. But for the time being, she's one smart cupcake and has adjusted to 1st grade very nicely and is doing well overall!


Just A Mum said...

Hi Darcy,
I am glad to hear that Rachel is doing well in school. We had our cleft awareness day yesterday in Australia , and I was thinking of you! I am praying for you and Rachel for her operation next week.

Joy Howse said...

One smart, ADORABLE cupcake! :) Lexi has her conference necxt Thursday. I like the way they run things at your school. Makes the kids accountable for their education instead of just hearing the teacher talking all the time.

Kari Marchelli said...

Hi Darcy-

It's so good to read posts that are positive. I try not to but sometimes I become worried at how Riley will do when he gets older. This just reminds me that he's going to be fine developmentally when he gets older.