Monday, September 21, 2009

Speech Therapy Update

Monday mornings I work in Rachel's classroom. This morning as I was putting my purse away, she handed me this envelope that was in her cubby. It was from the Speech Therapist.

Rachel was apparently pulled from class one day last week and was screened by the speech therapist and the conclusion was a concern for her articulation (sounds in words). Rachel has "nasality with certain sounds (b, p...) and distortions typical of a repaired cleft palate". There were no language concerns, she puts sentences together very well. And there were no fluency or stuttering concerns. Her concerns were our concerns and the same concerns of the Speech Therapist on our craniofacial team.

The recommendation is that Rachel "be referred to the Student Study Team for intervention strategies and/or consideration for possible evaluation."

I had to ask the teacher for clarification on what exactly that meant. LOL. Rachel was just screened by the Speech Therapist. And her recommendation is that now a team of people get together to talk about Rachel and what to do. Her teacher must submit paperwork and then they go from there.

The good thing is Rachel wasn't denied right off the bat, like we were told was a possibility...


Allison said...

Sounds like things are moving along nicely for Rachel with getting her into speech therapy at her school . . . I'm so happy it's working out for you!!!

Kelly Rogers said...

That's good news, Darcy. I'm glad she wasn't denied also. That would have been a poor reflection of the school system.

Joy Howse said...

Sounds like a postive step in the right direction. Sometimes it seems like the school system can take forever to navigate through. Hoping this will all happen in a timely manner.

the Provident Woman said...

I'm glad she wasn't denied. I hope they do all they can for her education.