Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Excitement is Building

Monday is Rachel's 5th birthday. Tomorrow afternoon is her birthday party. Needless to say she's beyond excited!

For the last week, she asks every morning "is today my party?" When we told her her party was on church day, the question changed to "Is today church day?" LOL.

She was especially excited when she came into our room this morning and discovered wrapped presents sitting on the floor. They weren't there yesterday. I've already made cupcakes in ice cream cones this morning for her to take to school on Monday and she can't wait to try one.

Tomorrow afternoon cannot come quick enough for the little party girl.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Happy 5th Birthday, Rachel! I can't believe all of these girls are turning 5! Ella will be in Novemeber, and I'm trying to remember she's still just 4. I hope you all have a very special day today, and I can't wait for the party update!

Take Care!