Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Been There, Done That...


Anonymous said...

Rachel, you look just like your Mama, when she did the same thing as a child. Love You, Papa

Anonymous said...

uh oh...ow! looks a little painful. hopefully no cutting was involved.

Darcy said...

I was bound and determined to not cut her hair...especially this week, her birthday week. LOL. It took patience.

John, Shannon, Broderick, Camden, and Adalynn said...

I still remember my first (and last) encounter with my grandma's round brush. Hope there weren't too many tears as you worked to get it our.

Patty said...

looks very familar....MOM

Kim said...


(Abby does this fairly regularly.)

Darcy said...

Thankfully, no cutting and hardly any tears. Just lots of "be nice" being said. LOL. I had a really hard time not laughing at the situation. But I was bound and determined NOT to cut her hair even if it took me hours to get that comb out. It's her birthday this weekend and I didn't want "weird bangs birthday girl!"

Liz said...

Poor baby! I bet that took quite some time to get out without having to cut something! OUCHY!

The Ski's said...

I am so impressed that you got a picture of this!!!! We have been in a very similar circumstance with Ellie before except with a round brush. Not fun. We couldn't get her to stop screaming enough to even think about getting a snapshot of the event! I am impressed! Not a fun experience for anyone.....but brings back many memories for me that I can smile about now that they are over with!!!!!