Saturday, April 21, 2007

Carlsbad Flower Fields

Today we made the drive and spent most of the day with Uncle Bart, someone Rachel has become very attached to in the last several months. He's her buddy and she loves to see him.

After stopping off to see Uncle Bart's condo, we made our way to lunch, and then to the Carlsbad Flower Fields. We did a lot of walking and Rachel for the most part did great. She was pretty cute, stopping to smell the flowers on a few occassions. One of the cool things to do at the Flower Fields was the Sweet Pea Maze. The Sweet Pea hedge was about five feet high. Rachel just kept going and going, laughing most of the way because she kept running into the same people over and over because they were lost too.Another thing to do, which I'm not sure what it had to do with fields of flowers, was this gem minning station. The kids got to pick a pail, and then they showed the kids how to shake thier tray back and forth in the water. Rachel actually had gold in her bucket!! In addition the gold nugget, she had a nice little bag of pretty stones to keep.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cool, gold! What a fun outing!