Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Preschool Parade

Following Hannah's parade at school, Rachel, Mommy, and Gramma went to see Cousin McKenzie in her Halloween parade at preschool. It was fun going and being a part of the special event as this is the preschool that Hannah went to for two years and is also the preschool that Rachel is already on the waiting list for for next Fall. It was nice seeing and saying hi to Hannah's old teachers. They also enjoyed getting to see Rachel, as she was just a baby and wasn't even walking when Hannah said her goodbye to preschool.

Rachel loved this Motorhome, as did Hannah when she first started attending this preschool. It was hard to tear Rachel away from it. Next year's Halloween preschool parade will be tons of fun with McKenzie, Rachel, and probably even Haylee participating in it!

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