The girls came home from Gramie's house this afternoon. It sounds like they had a lot of fun... they went to the movies, to a couple of parks to play, out to lunch, to the pumpkin patch, had a tea party, and did a lot of playing.
Rachel did great! She took her naps and went to bed with no problem. Gramie said she was perfect! However, upon returning home, before she even got out of the car, it was evident that Rachel was grumpy. The rest of the afternoon continued with her being really cranky and whiney and really, unpleasant to be around. LOL. We're not sure if she was 1) mad at us for leaving her (which we highly doubt considering all the fun they had), 2) she was mad for being brought home, LOL, or 3) she was just plan cranky because she didn't get a full nap and woke up in the car. As the evening went on, she warmed up and was back to normal.
One of the activities of the weekend was going to a couple of the parks near Gramie's house. Gramie commented on how suprised she was at what a climber Rachel was! Rachel climbed right up to the top of the play structures and slided down the slides just like one of the big kids.
At the pumpkin patch, Rachel got her first pony ride! Hannah said Rachel enjoyed it. I'm hoping to get a picture from Gramie once she develops her film.
It's nice to know Rachel did so well away from home for so many days. Sending your baby off for the first time is always the hardest. However, I enjoyed my few days of peace and quiet, so I doubt there will be any hesitating in sending her again! LOL.