Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Surgery Day: Ready and Waiting

Rachel was first on Dr. Martin's schedule for today, she had a 7:15 surgery time.

She had such a wonderful and caring nurse that took care of her prior to heading off to surgery. After all the prep work and charting was done and we were just waiting for the doctors to make their appearance, the nurse said she liked to pray with her patients, and asked if she could pray with Rachel. What a blessing that was!! 

Surgery will be about 4-5 hours. And then time in recovery. Then she will be admitted to a patient room. 

There are three things that will determine when Rachel will be discharged:
1) The ability to drink, take liquids
2) She's up and moving about
3) Her pain control and her ability to take oral pain meds

For sure she's here at least for tonight, but if all goes well, perhaps she'll go home late tomorrow afternoon/evening. 

They wheeled Rachel off just before 7:15am. 

One of the hardest things ever as a parent is watching as they roll your child off to surgery, this was our 7th time of doing that. They only allowed one of us with her at a time in the holding area. I was the one with her as they took her away, but this was by far the easiest "wheel off" for me. 

Will update as the day goes on....

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