Monday, November 11, 2019

An Appointment with the Plastic Surgeon

We saw Rachel's Plastic Surgeon today, it'd been a little over 8 years since we'd seen him, following the multiple post op appointments following her bone graft surgery.

It was a good appointment. It didn't go the way Rachel had hoped it would, but Steven and I are both pleased with how it went.

The plan is to go back to Dr. Garcia, Rachel's orthodontist, and get a baseline Xray of her upper jaw. And then go back and get another xray in 6 months. And then see Dr Martin.

The Xrays are a more definitive way of determining if Rachel is done growing. If there's little to no change in those two Xrays, then we can move forward.

Rachel will need braces for at least 3-6 months prior to surgery. So at this point, we are looking at surgery in summer of 2021  (I mean, we could try and get it in over Christmas break next year, but do we really want to do that?!?!). Following surgery, she'll have braces on for an additional 6 month or so.

In regards to a lip revision and a nose job, Dr. Martin wouldn't do either of those until Rachel is 6 months post op from the jaw surgery. That gives everything time to settle and the swelling to disburse.

But all in all, it's a good possibility it all can be done and braces possibly off before Rachel goes off to college in Fall 2022. Which ultimately was her plan.