Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Post Op - Day 1 Evening

It's been a long day of waiting and anticipating a possible late afternoon/evening discharge. 

Rachel has been doing all the things that had been set out for her to accomplish (pain managed, drinking/eating, up and about walking). However, in the last hour, after speaking to the Plastic Surgery Resident, they want to keep Rachel for one more night of observation for possible "respiratory distress." 

So it's one more night in the hospital, thankfully she has a good roommate, which makes it a little easier. 

She's doing really well! Her pain has been pretty minimal considering (4-5 on a scale of 10). She's up and about without any help, walking the halls, drinking a ton, doing everything she can to recover quickly. 

Here is a picture from this evening, about 18 hours after surgery. We expect the swelling tomorrow to increase, as it usually does 2-3 days after surgery. But she's doing good!!! 

* picture posted with Rachel's permission

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