Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The 2 Week Mark!!

We've hit the 2 week mark since Rachel's surgery. We didn't make it to the 2 week mark with her last surgery, so despite this being a totally different surgery, I've been a little nervous, but I think I can relax now. :)

She's doing great!! The past couple of days she's taken her bottles really well. Only maybe one or two episodes of an attitude. Now we just need to get Gramma to feeling comfortable in feeding Rachel again so we can go out for a peaceful dinner! :)

Rachel is continuing to sleep in her infant carrier. I tried this morning to get her to take a nap without it, but the poor girlie just couldn't get comfortable with those darn arm restraints on, so I ended up putting her back into her carrier. Only one more week of the restraints!! Yippeee!

Rachel's incision is looking so good. Some days there is hardly any redness at all. We see the plastic surgeon for her post op follow up in 2 weeks, and I have a list of questions for him in reguards to putting Vitamin E or Mederma on the scar, etc.

We couldn't have asked or prayed for a better post op thus far! I think life is getting back to least until Rachel's next surgery, in July or August.

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